The original budget for Jupiter was so small that it restricted its legacy

Jupiter’s Legacy’s failure could have been linked to a tight budget. Following Netflix’s acquisition of Millarworld in 2017, Jupiter’s Legacy debuted on May 7th. The show was based on one of Mark Millar’s most well-known comics. The show follows a group of people who gain superpowers in the 1900s, lead by The Utopian (Josh Duhamel). When the next generation of superheroes appears in the present day, they are opposed against their heroic parents’ strict ideals and high expectations.

The excitement for Jupiter’s Legacy was great at first, with fans eager to witness the first in what is supposed to be a series of Millarworld-related ventures. Jupiter’s Legacy, on the other hand, was cancelled by Netflix after only one season. Many people, including the cast members, were surprised by the quick cancellation.

Andrew Horton of Jupiter’s Legacy expressed his displeasure at the show’s cancellation, while Duhamel laughed about being rejected by Netflix. The series’ poor reception was a major factor in its discontinuation, with a Rotten Tomatoes rating of only 38%. New evidence suggests, however, that the show may have been doomed from the start.


Netflix was also undergoing changes at the leadership level, in addition to funding issues. Cindy Holland, Netflix’s VP of Initial Content, who approved Jupiter’s Legacy, as well as the two original executive overseers of the show, have left the business. Holland was replaced by Bela Bajaria, and Jupiter’s Legacy, as one might imagine, fell short in the eyes of a newbie.

Bajaria wanted to put her own stamp on Millarworld and continue the Jupiter’s Legacy plot with Supercrooks, despite the show’s poor ratings. Supercrooks is the next Millarworld project, and it will tie in with Jupiter’s Legacy’s villains, maybe bringing back some of the show’s original actors.

Original Budget

The evidence of Jupiter’s extremely low initial budget simply adds to an already complicated topic. Some have criticised Netflix for cancelling a show that had a decent following, despite the fact that some figures reveal the series did well in terms of minutes of view time and even made Netflix’s top 10 charts. The show’s low budget invites even more criticism of Netflix’s treatment of it. The most important lesson Netflix should take away from this is that the superhero industry is highly competitive.

When you consider that Marvel’s popular Disney+ miniseries has a $20 million per episode budget, it’s easy to see how Jupiter’s Legacy’s low budget affected its growth. Unfortunately, despite having a good cast and fans, the show was lost because of poor financing, executive shifts, and crew departures. Fans can only hope that Supercrooks gives the cast and heart of Jupiter’s Legacy a second, better shot.


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