Here’s The Reason Why TimTheTatman Does Not Play Apex Legends Anymore

Former Twitch streamer Timothy ‘TimTheTatman’ Betar has revealed the reasons why he lost interest in Apex Legends and shifted to playing COD Warzone.

For quite a while, the battle between Apex Legends and Warzone has been raging high with different streamers choosing different titles as their favorite.

Apex Legends Vs Warzone

In the battle between Apex Legends and Warzone, Fortnite lost it’s rank and was sidelined to the third position.

But what prompted the new YouTuber TimTheTatman to ‘lose interest’ in Apex Legends? He explains that the ‘slow gameplay’ of the battle royale is a major factor behind it.

In his collab stream with Dr Disrespect, Timothy admitted that he “actually enjoys playing Warzone” more.

‘I’m Just Not Playing Apex’

When Dr Disrespect insisted that TimTheTatman should stick to his Apex Legend roots, the YouTube said a clear ‘NO’.

“I’m just not playing Apex,” he said on September 14. “I’m just not doing it.”

Further in his rant, TimTheTatman said “I don’t want to get two KP, rotate, go to the little beacon, find where the last circle is, wait until the last two teams fight. Then all of a sudden you have to start fighting. I said [to the two-time], no. ‘Nomegalul’, if you will.

“I don’t get the Doc. He’s all about violence, speed, momentum. Apex is get a kill, then just focus on rotating. There’s no violence, speed. There’s no momentum!”

Move To YouTube Gaming

Twitch fans aren’t the happiest currently as YouTube succeeds in poaching some of their talents and housing them on their platform.

In an exclusive interview with tabloid Business Insider, TimTheTatman commented “I know it’s going to be a change and there are people that don’t like change. But sometimes change ends up being a better thing.”

He also took to his official Twitter account to share the news with his fans. Tim posted a fun, music-laden video talking about his ‘future’ being a streamer. Have a look at the video he shared:


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