During a Virtual Chat, Twinkle Khanna Breaks Down with Malala Yousafzai

After listening to Malala Yousafzai narrate her inspiring tale of undying bravery and resilience, Indian actor-turned-author Twinkle Khanna broke down in tears.

During the virtual Tweak India Summit organised by Twinkle, the Pakistani activist and youngest Nobel laureate in the world shared her thoughts on how people can use their voices to help others.

The graduate from Oxford spoke about how it was imperative for her to ask for her right to education in the violent Swat Valley.

“For me, life was the worst I could imagine,” said the activist, stressing the importance of educating girls and how not going to school meant living an oppressive life. “That’s why I began to speak out for my right to go to school and for all the girls’ rights in Swat Valley.”

Twinkle broke down in tears upon hearing her touching storey as Malala recalled the traumatic experience of being shot at the age of 15.

twinkle malala

It’s a quantum leap for an 11-year-old girl to come to the realisation that I have to talk for others, not just me, “said the author of Mrs Funny Bones.”

“I don’t remember it, and it’s good that I don’t remember,” Malala added, noting that her research concluded after the global support she got that “if we educate all girls and give them 12 years of education, it would add $30 trillion to the world economy.”


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