Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Reveals He Would Run For POTUS News

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson Reveals He Would Run For POTUS

Author's avatar Clout News Desk

Time icon February 17, 2021

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson revealed that he will not rule out a presidential run in the future. This is also if the people want him in politics.

The actor had previously talked about running for the White House back in 2017 and he claimed he would go against former President Trump. However, he did not really act on the plan as he shelved it last year. The former wrestler seems to be revisiting the idea to run for President.

In an interview, he said, “I would consider a presidential run in the future if that’s what the people wanted.  Truly I mean that, and I’m not flippant in any way with my answer. That would be up to the people… So I would wait, and I would listen.”

The actor has been in the middle of plugging his new show Young Rock which is set in 2032 and revealing his intention to run for presidency. During the promo trail of the same he has shared his next move in his career. He revealed that he would be keeping an eye out for plans from fans.

Dwayne said, “I would have my finger on the pulse, my ear to the ground.” Back in 2017, the Baywatch alum had entertained the idea of challenging Trump for the white house during his appearance on The Tonight Show.

“…a lot of people want to see a different leadership today”

Back at the time, the actor was left astonished and flattered by the reaction of the public to a statement he made. He shared how he has been really blown away as he described it as “flattering”. The actor said, “I’ve been really been blown away. And it’s so flattering. And I think you have to question why. I think it’s because, you know, a lot of people want to see a different leadership today — I’m sorry, not different, but better leadership today, right?”

Dwayne had said how surprised he was by the way of an off-hand comment he made to a journalist about running for president has reverberated. The former wrestler was asked what qualities made him fit to be the president. He responded, “I think more poised, less noise.”

The actor said how he thinks that over the years he has become a guy that a lot of people could relate to. He said, “And I also think that over the years I’ve become a guy that a lot of people kind of relate to: get up early in the morning at a ridiculous hour, go to work and spend time with the troops, take care of my family.”

The Jumanji alum shared how he loves taking care of people and that thing really resonates with people. He said how he loves coming to The Tonight Show crowd. At the time he had felt that he had what it takes to rule the US and has been considering the idea. He has been inclining towards the idea more and more each passing year.

“I miss that part. Even if we disagree, we’ve got to figure it out”

He said: “A year ago, it started coming up more and more. There was a real sense of earnestness, which made me go home and think, ‘Let me really rethink my answer and make sure I am giving an answer that is truthful and also respectful.’” The Fast and Furious star claimed that he would be a confident leader of the United States and he would take responsibility for all citizens.

Dwayne further added how he personally feels that if he were president, poise would be important. He shared how leadership would be important and taking responsibility for everybody would be too. The actor shared, “[If I didn’t agree with someone] on something, I wouldn’t shut them out. I would actually include them. The first thing we’d do is we’d come and sit down and we’d talk about it. “

The actor revealed that everyone has issues and everybody has to work their own problem out. He further added that he feels like one of the qualities of a great leader is not shutting people out. The wrestler-turned-actor said, “I miss that part. Even if we disagree, we’ve got to figure it out.”

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