“Desperate to go through to the Super 12s stage”- Ireland Head Coach Sports

“Desperate to go through to the Super 12s stage”- Ireland Head Coach

Author's avatar Avishkar Govardhane

Time icon October 21, 2021   | Last Updated: May 17, 2024 at 5:38 AM

Graham Ford has been conversing with coaches involved in the IPL to get a better understanding about conditions in Sharjah, ahead of his Ireland side’s winner-takes-all match against Namibia in the T20 World Cup.
Sharjah played host to a series of high-scoring games during the 2020 IPL, but the pitches were re-laid earlier this year and were generally sluggish and low after the resumption of the 2021 season, with average scoring rates down to 7.00 runs per over from 8.87 the year before.
A coach is always Greedy – Ford
“I’ve had a few good chats with some of the IPL coaches, but we’ll keep that to ourselves for now,” Ford said after Ireland’s heavy defeat to Sri Lanka, which leaves them needing a result in Friday’s fixture if they are to progress to the Super 12s. “Win or lose, we are gaining and we are learning, but quite obviously we’re desperate to go through to the next phase of the tournament.
“You’re always greedy as a coach: you want to win everything and you want to have a nice easy last fixture and say ‘we’re already through’. But realistically, we’d have taken it. We’re still alive, we’re still in the competition, and that’s the most important thing.”
Focus is on Improving Tactically – Ford
“There’s no doubt it’s very difficult because of the distances that you have to travel to get to training venues,” he said. “Making improvements in terms of actually just getting in the nets and training is quite difficult [but] we can get to the ground a little bit earlier on matchdays and a couple of guys can sharpen their skills that way.
“A lot of the work needed to be done in the preparation phase, which we had a pretty good block through that period, and now it’s not so much getting in the nets and trying to work on anything – it’s more about what have we learnt from the matches that we’ve played and how can we improve tactically and just really try to look sharper and see where we can improve in the game situation.”
Graham talks about their upcoming fixture 
“We had a long bus journey then caught the end of the game and they did hit the ball extremely well at the end,” Ford said. “We know that they’ve got some very dangerous players and David Wiese, who put on a show – we caught the end of that show. He’s played for South Africa in the T20 World Cup before and I’ve seen him in South Africa and on the county circuit. He can be absolutely devastating, which he was today.
“They’ve got some dangerous players. They’ve got some very hard-working cricketers. Quite a few of them have learnt quite a lot of their cricket in South Africa and they pushed us close in the last game of the qualifiers. We know that they’re going to be tough – if we’re slightly off our best, we will struggle.”