Meet The Woman Helping Small Businesses Become Successful

Ashley Ann is the founder of the highly successful event planning company Events by Ashley Ann, Founder of Ashley Ann Speaks, a Digital Branding & Consulting company and the King Ashley Ann Brand, a financial guidance platform. After surviving and then leaving a physically abusive relationship Ashley Ann rebuilt her life and launched her companies.

As an entrepreneur motivated by her desire to help people make their dreams come true whether it be creating their dream wedding, baby shower or even sharing her extensive knowledge of business strategies; Ashley Ann is constantly striving to help others execute their visions. As someone who initially struggled to pursue and achieve her goals, Ashley Ann wants to make the path to prosperity more accessible to people like herself. 

Her knowledge of market trends and predicting financial outcomes based on certain business decisions, directly attributed to the success of nearly 7,000 small business owners. She has assisted over 500 clients in creating six-figure incomes, and 136 hit the 7-figure mark in under 12 months. Her business recommendations stemming from her background as a financial analyst grants her and the clients she advises to experience financial freedom.  She is currently offering Free Business, Marketing, and Strategy Sessions online via Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

With just a clear vision, Ashely Ann managed to create successful businesses and show abused women everywhere that they too, can walk in their power and accomplish their goals. 

For more on Ashley visit her website at and follow her on Instagram or Facebook @KingAshleyAnn. 
