Justin Bieber Inspired Jordan: A Girl Who Saved Her 12 Siblings News

Justin Bieber Inspired Jordan: A Girl Who Saved Her 12 Siblings

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Time icon November 19, 2021

Jordan Turpin, a girl who lauded as a hero and escaped from the ‘House of Horrors’ with siblings. She made the 911 call that rescued her siblings from their abusive parents. So Jordan is here, haring her story in a new special episode.

Jordan Turpin saved her 12 siblings from their parent’s “house of horrors” several years ago. Jordan was 17 and her siblings were prisoners in David and Louise Turpin‘s home in Perris, California, where they suffered horrific abuse. On January 14, 2018, Jordan heroically crawled through a window and called 911, which resulted in the siblings’ rescues and David and Louise’ arrests. In 2019, the couple pleaded guilty to 14 felony counts, including child cruelty and torture and false imprisonment. They sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. Jordan, now 21, and older sister Jennifer, 31, will break their silence on their story in a 20/20 exclusive, Escape From a House of Horror, with Diane Sawyer that airs on November 19.

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Jordan Spoke About The Horrific Abuse By Parents

Jordan and her siblings were subject to unbelievable acts of abuse by their parents for several years. The children ranged in ages from 2 to 29 and were often beaten and starved. They were some shackled to the beds. Deputies have testified that the kids were only fed once per day, and showered once per year. In the 20/20 special, Jordan said they were “close to death so many times” and woke up terrified each day. “Mother, she choked me, and I thought I was going to die,” Jordan told.

Justin Bieber inspired Jordan

In that special, Jordan recalls how Justin Bieber gave her the inspiration to finally escape from her parent’s home. “I don’t know where we would be if we didn’t watch Justin Bieber,” she told Diane. “Sometimes, especially when we were younger, my mother and father would leave. The older ones would sneak in and turn on the TV. So we would see music videos and stuff, and that’s where we learned a lot”.

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