Ivanka Trump Named By Voters As ‘Nepotism Barbie’ After She Announces President’s New Hiring Order News

Ivanka Trump Named By Voters As ‘Nepotism Barbie’ After She Announces President’s New Hiring Order

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Time icon June 28, 2020

Ivanka Trump

 is an American businesswoman, serving since 2017 as Senior Advisor to the President, her father Donald Trump. The daughter and second child of President Trump and his first wife, Ivana, she is the first Jewish member of a first family, having converted before marrying her husband, Jared Kushner.

She is a fourth-generation businessperson who followed in the footsteps of her great-grandmother Elizabeth, grandfather Fred, and father, serving for a time as an executive vice president of the family-owned Trump Organization. She was also a boardroom judge on her father’s television show The Apprentice.

Trump signs order overhauling federal hiring to focus on skills over college degrees

 Applicants for federal government jobs will now be assessed based on their skills rather than if they have a relevant college degree after President Trump on Friday signed an executive order directing his agencies to change their hiring practices.

At a signing ceremony at the White House, the president and other administration officials said the order would create a more merit-based system and opportunities for Americans who had previously been excluded from the workforce.

“The federal government will no longer be narrowly focused on where you went to school, but the skills and the talents that you bring to the job,” Trump said during the signing which coincided with a meeting of his American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.

The order will direct federal agencies to shift to skills- and competency-based hiring rather than degree-based hiring which “excludes capable candidates and undermines labor-market efficiencies,” the order read.

The chief of the Office of Personnel Management who overcontrols federal hiring, Michael Regas, said that job applicants of federal spots will now be evaluated by relevant experts who will check whether they possess the skills and ability to perform the job that they are applying for.

He also said that the college degree requirements won’t be neglected completely, but skills in jobs where having a degree is less important will be stressed under the new order, which will be implemented by his office.

Trump praised his daughter, senior advisor and policy board co-chair Ivanka Trump for leading the charge on the hiring edict.

Ivanka Trump flaunted of Donald’s new executive order that will replace ‘degree-based hiring’ with ‘skill-based hiring’ in federal jobs. People found this hypocritical, since she ‘got a federal job because of who her father is.’

Ivanka Trump got herself a new byname after revealing Donald Trump’s executive order to rebuild the federal hiring process, Nepotism Barbie. The executive order, which the President signed on June 27, will require federal agencies to prioritize skills over a college degree. The announcement from the president’s senior advisor was met with skepticism, however, given that Ivanka’s boss is her dad.

Ivanka merrily said on a video which was shared to The White House’s Twitter account on Frideay, She mentioned Trump(her dad) as a fantastic person for the American worker and as ensuring that nobody is forgotten or left behind. “It’s part of why through the pledge to American workers he’s focused on skills training and enhanced career opportunity in a private sector-led approach”, Ivanka added.

“So far we’ve secured over 16 million private sector commitments towards this initiative and today again he’s going to lead by example and overhaul the way the federal government hires,” Ivanka continued. “As the country’s largest employer it’s incredibly important to him that he fills federal job vacancies based on people having the skill, the passion, the drive, the competency to do the job — not purely based on outdated career or licensure requirements.” She added.

Trump elaborated on what he meant by “skills-based hiring” versus “degree-based hiring”, He said “The federal government will no longer be narrowly focused on where you went to school, but the skills and the talents that you bring to the job, we want that skill to be there, This means people “with apprenticeships, technical training, and apt backgrounds will have greater opportunity.”

The Nickname

People thought that Ivanka wasn’t exactly the best choice to boast of “skills-based hiring,” given her family ties. “1) We are making the federal hiring process better. 2) Here, to describe the process, is someone who got a federal job because of who her father is. #NepotismBarbie,” one person tweeted, while someone else wrote, “Too bad skills- based hiring wasn’t in place when you and [Ivanka’s husband] Jared Kushner  got your positions…#NepotismBarbie @IvankaTrump.” A third person simply tweeted, “Oh, the irony…… #NepotismBarbie.” Someone even took the time to create a Nepotism Barbie meme, as you can see below. 

Some people weren’t happy to see Ivanka tied to Barbie dolls.

A person tweeted “#NepotismBarbie is an insult to Barbies everywhere. Barbie is educated; she’s a doctor, she’s a lawyer, she’s a pilot, and she worked for that damn Malibu dream house. Oh and her clothes are better. Bye Ivankkka,”.

 This isn’t the first time Ivanka has been given a creative new name! She was also considered a modern-day Marie Antoinette after complaining of “cancel culture.” 

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