Iffat Omar Hits New Low & Casually Cracks Jokes About Rape News

Iffat Omar Hits New Low & Casually Cracks Jokes About Rape

Author's avatar Clout News Desk

Time icon September 18, 2020

Some people really like to embroil themselves into controversies. Just like the former Pakistani model Iffat Omar who seems to have a thing for public backlash. Once again, the host of the Say it all with Iffat Omar web series has landed herself in hot water after making an insensitive joke centering around rapists.

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Unlike her contemporaries, Iffat is known to touch upon hard-hitting subjects such as domestic violence and sexual harassment that continue to plague Pakistan’s entertainment industry. However, she somehow manages to mess up the sensitive issues and end up getting bad press.

With the ongoing issues related to rape and the safety of women in the country, one should know better to not be oblivious to its gravity. However, Iffat leaves no opportunity to get bad press.

A few days back, Prime Minister Imran Khan suggested chemical castration or emasculation of rapists and child molesters. The former model came under fire as she made a joke on PM’s statement regarding castration.

Any sane person would understand how serious the issue is. But well, Omar clearly, with no conscience, decided to cross the line and joke about it.

While ridiculing the entirety of the grave matter, Omar spoke about the castration of dogs. Moreover, she compared it to that of the rapists while addressing a political subject.

Is there any stopping to the waste that this show is churning out?

Omar calls to end rape culture on her social media, yet laughs about the very culture that has claimed the lives of innocent girls, boys, and even animals. Hypocrisy!

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Kindly note that this is not just about criticizing the prime minister. In fact, this is about making a mockery of a woman’s pain and agony who was raped in front of her children.

Where countless women are making an effort to get justice for the abused and traumatized victims and survivors just so they can live in peace, people like Iffat effortlessly devalue their struggles by laughing off the matter.

Here’s how the Twittersphere is reacting to the entire fiasco:

Iffat Omar is a veteran actress who I have seen on TV while growing up. But the way she is behaving in video and trying to do some comedy. She is looking like mohally walee aunty who is only good at taunting. An anchor should be unbiased. Don’t lose your respect by such drama.

Clearly, the public is upset with her choice of words. In time likes these, the occurrence of something like this is naturally expected to trigger the masses.

It is to be noted that it was not so long ago that the former model shamelessly admitted to using her role in a drama for personal gains. While already bring under fire, she managed to further add fuel to it. What is with all the needless controversies? Is there any stopping to it?

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