Auspreneur is Set to Disrupt Australian Media News

Auspreneur is Set to Disrupt Australian Media

Author's avatar Clout News Desk

Time icon July 16, 2021

With the global media landscape changing and evolving drastically over the past decade, media giants and the top-dogs are still responsible for holding  the majority share of clicks and eyeballs in media outlets throughout Australia.

What seems to be occurring  is that more and more small to midsize businesses are forgotten, being left out of the picture altogether when it comes to media coverage. 

Set to change this forever, Australian entrepreneur Lewis Schenk has made it his mission to bridge the gap on what’s possible when it comes to PR, and has founded Auspreneur to give back and provide opportunities for more people to amplify their message to the world. 

“There aren’t many platforms that give a voice for small to medium businesses here in Australia. Unless you’re a huge corporation, super well connected or a celebrity/influencer with 500k followers, the media doesn’t really care that much about your story. In saying that, we have been able to score some epic placements for clients in some great media outlets, but as a whole it is quite difficult” Lewis explains. 

Lewis’s vision for the Auspreneur platform is to create a place where the stories of inspiring and budding entrepreneurs are shared with the world, but also giving voice to those who have a plethora of experience in business, but are yet to have a place to get the message out to

“My mission with Auspreneur is to provide a voice for both leading entrepreneurs, and the entrepreneurs of the future. Having already worked with over 600 people in similar situations, I look at this as an opportunity for me to give back and provide a voice for those who need it” Lewis explains.

With a focus on sharing the latest in news, Influencers, women, marketing, tech and finance, Auspreneur is set to become one of the fastest growing media platforms in Australia, and hopefully a household name. 

The world is in need of young innovators and entrepreneurs to continue to bring a fresh approach to media and news. Millennials and Gen Z are tired with the same old, boring, lacklustre approach to the news. With a fresh new approach and a vision different to most, Auspreneur is set to do just that. 

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