Donald Trump Blames China For ‘Great Damage’ to the United States And Other Countries News

Donald Trump Blames China For ‘Great Damage’ to the United States And Other Countries

Author's avatar Clout News Desk

Time icon July 6, 2020

US – China previous relationship

U.S.-China Trade War Escalates-2018

The Trump administration imposed fresh tariffs totaling $34 billion worth of Chinese goods. More than eight hundred Chinese products in the industrial and transport sectors, as well as goods such as televisions and medical devices, will face a 25 percent import tax. China retaliated with its own tariffs on more than five hundred U.S. products. The reprisal, also valued around $34 billion, targets commodities such as beef, dairy, seafood, and soybeans. President Trump and members of his administration believe that China is “ripping off” the United States, taking advantage of free trade rules to the detriment of U.S. firms operating in China. Beijing criticizes the Trump administration’s moves as “trade bullying” and cautions that tariffs could trigger global market unrest.

Huawei Sues the United States – 2019

Amid legal proceedings against Meng, Huawei sued the United States in a separate lawsuit for banning U.S. federal agencies from using the telecom giant’s equipment. In a battle with Beijing for technological supremacy, the Trump administration launches an aggressive campaign warning other countries not to use Huawei equipment to build 5G networks, claiming the Chinese government could use the company to spy.

Trade War Intensifies-2020

After trade talks broke down, the Trump administration raises tariffs from 10 to 25 percent on $200 billion worth of Chinese goods. China retaliates by announcing plans to increase tariffs on $60 billion worth of American goods.

Tensions Soar Amid Coronavirus Pandemic-2020

The Trump administration barred all non-U.S. citizens who recently visited mainland China from entering the United States amid an outbreak of a new coronavirus that was first reported in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

Donald Trump accuses China of causing ‘damage’ to United States, world

In recent times, China has been on the receiving end because of its military advancements, sea drills, or political ones. World leaders from the United States to Canada to the United Kingdom, France, and Australia have been openly criticizing China’s national security law imposed on Hong Kong. 

Raising the stakes against Beijing over its handling of COVID-19 outbreak and border row with several nations, US President Donald Trump on Sunday (July 6) said China has caused great damage to the United States and the rest of the world. 

“China has caused great damage to the United States and the rest of the World!” Trump had tweeted on Sunday evening.

Trump had on July 5 asserted that China must be held fully accountable for its ‘secrecy, deception, and cover-up’ that allowed it to spread the coronavirus all over the world. 

“China’s secrecy, deception, and cover-up allowed it to spread all over the world, 189 countries and China must be held fully accountable,” he said, accusing Beijing of covering up the outbreak of the pandemic.

Trump has expressed disappointment over China’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in the past. In May, he claimed that it was the incompetence of Beijing that led to the mass killing across the globe.

China has denied US’ claim of ‘covering up’ the extent of its coronavirus outbreak and has accused the US of attempting to divert public attention by insinuating that the virus originated from a virology laboratory in Wuhan. “China was the first country to report the COVID-19 to the World Health Organisation (WHO), (and) that doesn’t mean the virus originated from Wuhan… There has never been any concealment, and we’ll never allow any concealment,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in April.

The novel coronavirus which first originated in Wuhan in December last year has claimed over 5 lakh lives and infected more than 11 million people globally. The US is the worst affected country with over 1.2 lakh deaths and over 2.8 million infections, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

Also Read : News Highlights From July 2020

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