Top Entrepreneur Simon Tizon becomes the hottest pick celebrities want an interview with. Here are the Top three reasons why.

Is it his shining charm, is it his irresistible smile or is it because he is able to take a blank sheet of paper and bring it to life in an extraordinary way?

So what makes top entrepreneur, celebrity, influencer, Simon Tizon the hottest pick?

After interviewing a dozen celebrities here are the top three reasons why he is the hottest pick.

  1.  He’s fun to work with

One celebrity said “Have you ever laughed so hard that your stomach hurts but you can’t stop laughing, it like that.  I had so much fun that I was late for my next interview and it was worth every minute”.

  1.  Social Status

They said “Working with Simon are the steps you have to take to get seen on even larger platforms”..  In fact, they recommend it.

  1. He’s a celebrity

Simon is one of the fastest-growing celebrities in the entrepreneur and entertainment world. He’s the hardest to get time with so when we get a chance to work with him we act fast.

As a result, If you’re looking for a well-respected friend in business and entertainment you can find Simon Tizon on Instagram @simontizon.
